Hello sluts
The last year has been a very challenging one indeed. I hope you are safe and well. Sadly, some of My slaves have not made it through the pandemic and of course, W/we will remember them fondly in the TrannyFlat where their slutty legacy will live on in O/our fabulous fun in the future.
Thank you to My loyal slaves who have been so helpful and kind during these times. Your thoughtfulness will be remembered (and those of you who were useless will also be remembered!).
I am looking forward to seeing you all again when it is safe for U/us all.
As you know, I don’t take your health or My own health lightly, and therefore I will not be resuming sessions until I judge that it is completely safe to do so. I will expect you to have had your two doses of the vaccine in order to see Me (and I will have had Mine in order to see you). We all need to do O/our bit to improve the situation so please do take your vaccine as soon as it is offered to you so W/we can all get back to having fun!
I will be announcing widely on My website and social media when I am available again so please don’t text asking this in the mean time. You are of course welcome to text and stay in touch for other reasons. I have very much enjoyed hearing for My loyal sluts through the last year.
Missing you all and looking forward to seeing you again in the (hopefully) near future. Stay safe and well and remain careful until W/we meet again.
Spitty virtual kisses