Here is a blog written by My loyal and dedicated fetish and sissy slave ‘V’ about why she serves Me and how she came to serve only Me… enjoy!
‘i have always been interested in the lifestyle of Mistresses and until i met Mistress Scarlett Thorne a few years ago I wasn’t at all interested in actually serving just one Mistress.
You could say I was a bit of a slut when it came to seeing a Mistress.
I would see a Mistress for a bit and then after a few sessions move on.
They were all great Mistresses but there was always something missing.
That was until I met Mistress Scarlett Thorne and her Tranny Flat residence and of course encountered the Tranny Wardrobe of Doom and the amazing BDSM fetish dungeon She has in London.
What i didn’t realise the first time i met my Mistress was how lucky i was to even get to see her.
You see Mistress Scarlett Thorne has a very exclusive list of chosen slaves that she sees. If you are lucky enough to even get an appointment then you had better be up to scratch or you will never get another chance.
Somehow i did get an appointment for a session and probably because i didn’t know i was being assessed, i passed.
And ever since then i have been lucky enough to serve Mistress Scarlett Thorne.
Thankfully i did enough to be allowed into The World of Scarlett Thorne.
But the question is why do I love serving just Mistress Thorne?
Of course there is the TrannyFlat which is one of the best play spaces I have seen. Very unique but also it feels like a really safe and fun place for naughty things. It is full of fetish equipment and loads of toys and kinky instruments, many of which i am not sure what they even do, but i am sure my Mistress knows exactly how to use everyone of them.
Then there is the Tranny Wardrobe of Doom (known as the TWOD amongst those of us in ‘the know’) which is a place for dressing up and having fun. It is literally a walk in room with wall to ceiling clothes and sissy makeover things and there must be thousands of items of clothing. It is actually a wardrobe full of joy but i have been informed the word ‘DOOM’ came in part from having to do the washing that comes from it! There are panties from the floor to the ceiling so there is everything you could ever want to wear i am sure.
But its not just that.
There’s more to it than just slutty panties.
Although that helps.
It’s the fact Mistress Scarlett Thorne is the real deal.
A professional Mistress obviously but also a person with a big heart, empathy and someone who genuinely understands someone like me who enjoys being dominated by a Mistress like no other.
Of course there is also the beauty that is Mistress Thorne. The long flowing red hair, the perfect body and those high heels…
I have always felt super safe in the play space of Mistress Scarlett.
The other thing i love is you can be yourself and have fun.
Mistress Scarlett is always aware of my limits and looks after Her chosen slaves.
As i said She is the real deal.
Plus its also the fact there are only a very select set of slaves Mistress Thorne will see. That exclusivity appeals to me.
That idea of a secret society really appeals to me.
It makes sense. A Mistress such as Scarlett Thorne with such high standards would only see slaves with the mindset of wanting to serve Her.
i think She would only see people that have something about them and want to learn how to serve a Mistress.
Why would She have time for losers who think serving a Mistress is sending a photo to people of their cock or who can’t be bothered to write a polite message ?
But i think the best thing about Mistress Thorne is the way She helps Her slaves better themselves.
When I first went to see Mistress Thorne I had never dressed up like a woman or had any desire to do that.
But very quickly She seemed to sense that it was something i liked and i have never looked back.
A genuine Mistress who takes care in finding out what Her good boys really need and guiding them.
So there you have it, some thoughts from me on why I serve Mistress. Since Meeting Mistress Scarlett I have never looked back.
Dressing up and being a naughty slut was what I needed and She was the one Mistress who realised that and guided me.
So if you are ever in the London area maybe look up Mistress Thorne and if you are lucky enough you may just get a chance to see her.
If you do, i wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will get a chance to experience Her charm and dominance a second and third time.
It will be magical, naughty and maybe Mistress Thorne will allow you into her Scarlett World if you are a really good boy.
V – devoted to MST ‘
June 1, 2023