by Slutty Maid DaniTallulah
see more at www.trannyagony.com
The purpose of my TrannyAgony blog was to provide important advice to all those other TV gurls out there who, like me, are struggling with their identity and the need to be who they truly are but also hide it from their normal lives. So, even though, my blog posts are now hosted on the fabulous London Mistress Scarlett Thorne’s vastly Superior website, i feel i need to get back to my original mission, especially as certain problems are coming to light with the sissies, trannies, TVs and shemale sluts who are coming to see U/us.
The greatest problem is trying to find an answer to the question: Where do i hide my girl clothes?
Sadly, the answer is not entirely straightforward but if you do the right thing and dedicate yourself properly then it can be simple as i will explain through my own experience.
Why do we need our own girl clothes?
It is worth going back to basics to start to answer the question. After all someone who has a desire to be dressed up as a woman may feel they can simply pay to see a Mistress, get dressed by Her, flounce around for an hour and then go home. Well it is true you can do that but it hardly scratches on the surface of transformation from the drab, disgusting man you are to the amazing, sexy TV gurl you can be.
In the Tranny Flat the stunning Dominatrix Scarlett Thorne has a mission which is to reduce the number of men in the world and change them into the females they should be. Obviously some men with very big cocks should not be transformed because TV gurls need to service somebody and Mistresses have a sneaking like for them too… But the point is that generally only a small pool of real men is needed the rest should embrace their inner gurl and be properly subjugated by a real woman like Mistress Scarlett.
Anyway, for those of you who understand this truth and want to be transformed I can assure you that turning up every so often and being stuck in somebody else’s clothes is not much good. It’s ok and makes you feel good for an hour or so but it does not allow you to even begin to properly explore your true female self.
Having a fabulous mentor and owner like Scarlett Thorne was a great help to me in this respect. As soon as She baptised me in Her piss and declared me to be Her property it was clear that she expected me to start properly transforming myself. Admittedly, most lesser men like i was don’t have this great fortune so quickly. i had only known Mistress for a few months and basically i won the tranny submissive lottery.
As well as becoming a slave meeting Mistress Scarlett had been a wonderful awakening for me. I knew that more than anything else i was desperate to become a woman, i still am, even though i have gone very far down the path I of feminisation there is still so much to do. At the start though i realised that the first step needed to be to get my own clothes. Doing this allowed me to start to shape the sort of woman i wanted to be and get things that fitted me and suited me and were new and weren’t somebody else’s old clothes.
Mistress Scarlett had designated me as a slut early on as opposed to a sissy and it was an example of how She understands what people are rather than forcing me down one path or another, even though She has the power to force anything. So my early forays into clothes buying were very slutty and often things i could role play in sessions with Her or go to tranny clubs in. As i developed as a TV gurl my clothes range has widened and now i buy normal woman’s clothes as well so i can blend in on the street and look like a normal woman. This is especially pleasing to Mistress Scarlett when i accompany Her on shopping trips.
The problem of having your own clothes
So when i first started buying my own clothes, first online and later in high street shops, the issue immediately was where i should hide them. As regular readers of my TV musings will know i lead a double life and have to keep my female side hidden completely from my normal vanilla life at work and home.
This meant i could not hide my female clothes at home. Basically, if i were caught out it would be the end of my relationships with my family so even having them delivered there was a terrible risk which i was not willing to take. So where?
Initially, the answer was to hide them in a special bag at work. Which is what i did, taking items with me on the times i went to have a paid session with Mistress Scarlett Thorne. This worked for about six months, but it is rather limiting. When your wardrobe as such begins to expand and you start to invest in things like jewellery and proper fake boobs and make up then your desk drawer gets rather full and is not particularly safe.
The situation meant i had to stop looking for new clothes and burly things which was very sad. But what could i do?
Ideas i considered
There were two possibilities it seemed, but neither were very satisfactory.
First, i could pay for a small storage unit or locker in London near to work. This would be a safe location and would allow me to have the security of a place where my things were properly hidden. However, it was not very practical and meant i would have to make time to go there to pick things up if ever i had to serve the fabulous Mistress Scarlett, who was drawing me into Her service more and more and is somebody who expects people to arrive at least 10 minutes before She instructs them to come.
A storage unit also posed a question of cost and how i would pay for it. An easy way to get caught out by prying eyes is having a strange direct debit on your bank account.
The other solution was cheaper and more friendly which was two of my tranny friends Princess and Emily offered to look after things for me. Emily was out of the question because she lived out of town and Princess, while her offer was generous, was an impractical solution because i couldn’t visit her house so we would have to arrange to meet a day in advance. Also even if i had taken that option i felt that storing too much with a friend would be taking the Micky somewhat.
It was a real problem and becoming very painful to look at websites with fabulous clothes i could not buy because i could not hide.
Mistress Scarlett Thorne is the answer
It has to be said that Mistress Scarlett is the answer to many questions, including who is the most fabulous person in the world? Who would you most want to serve? Who is the most skilled Domme you could ever meet? Who would you most want to emulate in looks and style? Who is ALWAYS right? Who must ALWAYS be obeyed without question? And so on…
But the answer i am talking about is the answer to where to hide my clothes. While my silly little tranny brain was hurting over the quandary Mistress offered a solution Herself. It was characteristic of Her extraordinary generosity…and also Her desire to control and own me (a great privilege for me). She told me to store things at Her dungeon aka the Tranny Flat. She also made the same offer to Princess.
It was a great relief. i had not dared to ask because i did not want to seem impertinent but once i could store my clothes there, She encouraged me to rapidly expand my wardrobe and try all sorts of new styles. She became my fashion Queen as well as the Ruler in all other things in my life.
It was from that point that the Tranny Flat really became the Tranny Flat and W/we started to use the name for Her place. It also saw the creation of the Tranny Wardrobe of Doom, aka the TWOD, where girly clothes are stored. The TWOD makes that mystical wardrobe in the Narnia books look small and poky. A gurl can get lost in it easily.
What was the price?
Nothing comes for free and even though Scarlett Thorne is a caring and generous Mistress She had a purpose in making the offer. That purpose was to make me Her real slave and servant. The arrival of my clothes coincided with me becoming as close to a full time TV sissy maid as somebody can be who has to do a vanilla job as well. Within months it also saw me starting to work in the Tranny Flat as a part time whore and helper in Mistress Scarlett’s sessions.
Yes Mistress knew what She wanted and knew that basing my clothes in the Tranny flat anchored me to Her dominion. It also ensured that what is mine ( ie I bought) is Hers. She owns me and everything i have, so now my clothes are used for those who have not started to colect their own things (just as long as they fit). If you have been in a pink lace dress, or a little slutty animal print one, or a black lace dress then it is almost certainly one I bought. They make any silly man look like a highly fuckable gurl.
Is this option open to everyone?
The answer is yes it is. And that, getting back to my original answer, is why the answer is simple.
Mistress Scarlett Thorne is very keen to help feminise people and encourage them in any way possible. She takes delight in storing their clothes so TVs and sissies have their own things to wear when they visit.
All you have to do is ask, but before you do that then it is worth considering the conditions.
So what are the conditions?
The TWOD is big but still it cannot hold everything so Mistress cannot allow it to just be a dumping ground for everybody. So here is how you can get I some space:
1. You need to have visited Mistress Scarlett for a minimum of three sessions and be prepared to be a regular slave / slut paying tribute.
2. It would be helpful if you agree to let your clothes be used by others, but this is not obligatory and you can ask for them to be only used by you. Mistress understands people have different views on these things.
3. You should be willing to make a small contribution to the Tranny Flat rent either regularly or occasionally when you can. This may be less if you are a regular slave sessioning with Mistress or/ and if you are willing to allow your clothes to be used. Space is limited and London is expensiveΒ so it needs to be paid for.
I should point out that for various reasons i no longer session with Mistress Scarlett because i have become a full time slave, but because i am at the Tranny Flat very often and use a lot of the TWOD space i pay a share of the monthly rent, usually from my whoring earnings.
The benefits are enormous
The benefits are obvious. Once your clothes etc are in the Tranny Flat you have somewhere safe to hide them and they will be there when you serve Mistress Scarlett or go out on trips with her.
Also if you want to become a regular maid then this is a very good way to start and means Mistress is more likely to consider you as a servant or maid She calls upon.
Added to that every gurl has it in her to become a proper sissy whore, maybe after a bit of make up and dieting. If you have your clothes there it gives you a chance to start working properly in a safe place as it did for me, if that is what you want and what Mistress agrees to.
Finally, if your gurls things enter the TWOD it means you will have a chance to join the regular Tranny Flat community of other crossdressers, transvestites, Mistress Scarlett and Her fabulous deviant friends.
What more could you want?
Anyway to take up the chance get sessioning with Mistress Scarlett and give Her a text ( not a call) on 07910476639.